Oral history & archiving introductory courses

This short course introduces concepts & principles for creating and preserving taonga tuku iho. It enables community historians and kaitiaki to understand digital recording and interviewing techniques, archiving for preservation, archive development and project management.

The course looks at protocols for different types of mātauranga and taonga, including options for restricted access or wider community sharing. It explains capturing and storing taonga in physical and digital form, and Māori perspectives on ownership and copyright.

This course caters for students at differing levels of language acquisition. Students are encouraged to use their reo in wānanga and projects.  Wānanga are focused on iwi, hapū and whānau archiving and oral history projects. They can be run out of Te Pūtē Routiriata archive in New Plymouth, or on marae. As such, delivery dates are set on a case-by-case basis.

This programme is not being offered in 2020.

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