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PŪTAKE REO – OWAE MARAE 15-17 November 2019
11/15/2019 - 11/17/2019
Maranga Mai!
Kei te pūtake o Taranaki Mounga
He takenga reo, he takenga tangata
He karanga, he hokinga mahara tēnei ki ngā taonga nā ō tātou tūpuna i tuku mai ai ki a tātou. Ko te reo te take, ko te tangata te take, ā, ka hoki rā, ko te mounga te take o tātou katoa ngā uri. Koia tēnei te pātai matua;
“He aha rā te uri o Taranaki e tū Taranaki mai ai?”
Ko ngā hua, ko te whakaputaina arā he pēnei ana;
- Ngā kōrero o roto o Taranaki
- He Karakia, he Waiata nō Taranaki
- Te Whakamahi i tō tātou reo o Taranaki
Ka whakarōpūhia rā koutou ki te taumata e tika ana mā koutou, kia noho tō pai, kia noho tō rawe hoki e rite nei ki te tangata i tō rōpū.
Arise! The revitalisation of our language and our people.
This is a call shared with you, an acknowledgement of the value of taonga left to us by our tupuna. Our language, our people and our mounga are the central focal points for our Taranaki people from Taranaki, to Wellington through to the top of the South Island. The question is posed!
“What makes us Taranaki”?
The primary focus of the wānanga is centred on:
- History and accounts of Taranaki
- Karakia and Waiata distinctive to Taranaki
- The Use of our Taranaki reo
We welcome learners at all stages of proficiency. You will be grouped in three levels with others who have similar learning needs. Workshops are designed to cater for beginners, intermediate & advanced.