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Pūtake Reo Wānanga – 3-5 November 2017
11/03/2017 @ 8:00 am - 11/05/2017 @ 5:00 pm
He karanga, he hokinga mahara tēnei ki ngā taonga nā ō tātou tūpuna i tuku mai ai ki a tātou. Ko te reo te take, ko te tangata te take, ā, ka hoki rā, ko te mounga te take tātou katoa ngā uri. Pūtake Reo community wānanga are held twice a year for all learners of Taranaki reo.
Ekea te waka whakarauora reo – Puniho Pa!
The second wānanga for 2017 is being held at Puniho Pa from 03-05 November 2017, situated at South Road, RD 37, Waerea.
We welcome people at all stages of proficiency. You will be grouped with others who have similar learning needs. Workshops cater for beginners, intermediate & advanced.
Ko ngā hua, ko te whakaputaina arā he pēnei ana:
- Ngā kōrero o roto o Taranaki
- He karakia, he waiata nō Taranaki
- Te whakamahi i tō tātou reo o Taranaki
The primary focus of the wānanga is centred on:
- History and accounts of Taranaki
- Karakia and waiata distinctive to Taranaki
- The use of our Taranaki reo